The function of public health is to improve and protect the health of the population. Key to this is adopting a Population Health approach, to reduce health inequalities between individuals, groups, and communities, through co-ordinated system-wide action. NWAS have a responsibility to support this approach as part of the wider health and social care system. Having contributed to the development of, and are committed to, the AACE (Ambulance Chief Executives) national consensus statement on strengthening the role of the ambulance sector in reducing health inequalities.
The Trust has demonstrated its commitment to embed public health across our services by providing leadership from our Executive Medical Director, and a Public Health Lead/ Consultant Paramedic, appointment of a Public Health Manger and placements for two Public Health Registrars per annum.
System, Place and Neighbourhood partners
- Northern Ambulance Alliance (NAA) Public Health & Health Inequalities network – NAA consists of four Ambulance services covering the North of England and East Midlands: North East (NEAS), North West (NWAS), East Midlands (EMAS) and Yorkshire (YAS). The aim of this network is to create a collaborative approach of working together to improve health outcomes for patients and deliver greater benefits for the populations it collectively serves. To maximise opportunities for standardisation across the North of England and reduce health inequalities.
- ICSs/ICBs: The Public Health team, in coordination with the Partnership Integration Managers, engages with the four ICSs/ICBs that cover NWAS’ geographical footprint in the NW system. Influencing the use of time and resources in a collaborative way that improves population health and wellbeing in the region. particularly around workforce, environmental sustainability, and procurement for social value. NWAS is also a member of the relevant ICS Population Health Boards.
- Cheshire & Merseyside Prevention Pledge Community of Practice: NHS Prevention Pledge commissioned by Cheshire and Merseyside’s Population Health Board aims to reduce of the impact of ill-health on NHS services, whilst also improving the overall health of the population. Eight NHS hospital Trusts in Cheshire and Merseyside have formally adopted the NHS Prevention Pledge, and in doing so make a firm commitment to not just treating illnesses, but also preventing them.
- Faculty of Public Health, NWAS are the first ambulance trust in the country to host public health registrars on placements from Health Education England (HEE). They have been exploring how we can promote public health messages developed several projects with our system partners focusing on ill health prevention.
- Local Authorities (LAs): NWAS works in partnership with LAs across the NW region who are responsible for improving the health of their local population and for public health services.
- Primary Care Networks (PCNs): NWAS works with partners in the NW system including ICSs and PCNs on a range of priorities that link to vulnerable groups, including general practices reaching out to clinically vulnerable patients and ICSs to reduce health inequalities in their area.
- As a member of the NW Healthcare Public Health Network there is also a commitment to improve local analytical processes to meet population need, allowing NWAS, ICSs and regional teams to develop appropriate support.
Our current work focuses across four themes:
- Improving the input, analysis andâ¯utilisation of data to provideâ¯intelligence on population healthâ¯and health inequalities.
- Developing staff capability and capacityâ¯with regards toâ¯population health and healthâ¯inequalities.â¯
- Enabling operational delivery of prevention interventions, addressing health inequalities in our Region and CORE20PLUS5 clinical areas.
- Deliver social value to the communities we serve. Supporting the organisation in the delivery of commitments to the Cheshire and Merseyside Prevention Pledge, and principles.
Contact Us
If you would like to know more about Public Health in NWAS or our projects, please email us at [email protected]