December 2023 Over 25k Spend
In line with the government’s commitment to greater transparency, this spreadsheet details North West Ambulance Service’s expenditure over £25,000.
Resources Committee ToR
This document includes the terms of reference for the Resources Committee. It includes information on their role, responsibility, authority and more.
Quality and Performance Committee ToR
This terms of reference document outlines the role, purpose, and other key information about the Quality and Performance Committee (QP Committee).
Nominations and Remuneration Committee (NARC) ToR
NARC, or Nominations and Remuneration Committee , also known as the Committee of the Board include the chairman of the Board of Directors and all Non-Executive Directors. This terms of reference document outlines the role, purpose, accountability, and more.
Charitable Funds Committee TOR
This document outlines the terms of reference for the charitable funds committee. The charitable funds committee reviews the charitable funds of the trust, as required by the Charities Act 2011.